Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bridal & Honeymoon Expo

A week later and I am still a bit delirious from a very busy expo, but we had a wonderful weekend talking to brides, bridesmaids, mother of the brides and even a few groomsmen thrown in the mix too.
The expo was a great opportunity to meet so many fantastic industry connections including florists, photographers, stylists, event planners I even met a drag queen who would like to entertain at Petite Pippin high teas!   Two magazines approached our stand to discuss providing props and styling for photo shoots.  Each day I am truly amazed at the different paths this business has taken me down.   



Thursday, August 15, 2013

Australian Wedding and Honeymoon Expo

Brides to be are you looking for something to do this weekend?  Why not get your Bridezilla on and come down and visit me at stall 55 at the Royal Exhibition Buildings Carlton Gardens.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tea with Grace(dale)

Another gathering of life long friends, no special occasion for this artist who requested an afternoon high tea at her retirement facility. 

It was nice to see guests pick up the crockery to inspect the make and origin.  You know a true tea enthusiast when you see this happening.  Sometimes I have props that are overlooked, today I saw people flicking through the old books I placed on the table, I even noticed one guest who took a particular shining to my Maxims in Paris trinket box.


Friday, August 9, 2013

High Tea Etiquette

Although nowadays anything seems to go, we embrace individuality, acknowledge the square pegs in the round holes and encourage everyone to have a voice.  However, sometimes we unintentionally let good old fashioned manners slide.

What better place to start reintroducing manners than at the dining table or more specifically at a High Tea?

Here are some tips for a traditional afternoon tea:

  1. Invitations will always set the theme for the day, especially if you include a dress code
  2. Tea enthusiasts can bring along their own tea cup, carefully wrapped in a special box.  Remember, pieces don't have to match and bone china is not always necessary; just ensure all crockery is not chipped and is stain free.  Lemon with tea is becoming popular again, placing a lemon dish on your table with serving tongs may encourage guests to try tea a little differently.

  3. A white table cloth is essential, I always have a clean, crisp, white, linen cloth as a base and lay a nice lace table cloth over the top.
  4. Never extend the pinkie finger; ideally your third and fourth finger should tuck back nicely towards your wrist.  There are many theories as to why the pinkie extension is practiced, varying from the upper class wanting to limit touching the same cup as their servants; tea cup handles used to be a lot smaller and the pinkie got in the way; lack of utensils so the little finger was used to eat with... I even found one ludicrous theory stating that it was syphilis affecting the joints! 
  5. Milk is to be poured after the tea, why? Because the Queen does it that way and surely Her Majesty knows tea! 
  6. Never ever clink the spoon whilst stirring (unless you are my dad trying to wake the house with your early morning coffee). After you have gently stirred the milk and sugar, place the tea spoon to the back of your cup to the right of the handle.

  7. If seated, do not lift the saucer with the tea cup, ensure you lower your eyes to observe your actions to ensure no tea is spilt to stain white linen.  It is also considered improper to make eye contact with further diners while you are sipping your tea.

  8. Scones and cucumber sandwiches are a traditional treat to have with tea, but remember, don't use the serving spoon to spread the jam and cream on your scones!   
  9. Take small bites to participate in conversation and sip your tea to savour the flavour - no-one is in a hurry so there is no need to gulp.
  10. Linen napkins remain on your lap during the afternoon tea.  If you do leave the table momentarily, place the napkin nicely on your chair, never on the table as this indicates you are leaving the function.
  11. The hostess traditionally indicates the end of an afternoon tea by placing her napkin to the left of the plate, guests are to follow suit.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Spiridon Louis High Tea

I awoke during the night to what seemed like a torrential down pour and all I could think about was the Sunday High Tea function and how will I keep everything dry whilst setting up.  A few hours later we were greeted by birds happily chirping and the sun peeking through the blinds. A cool Sunday morning with an icy chill in the air but at least the sun is out....great day for Eskimos, however I would rather be in a warm and inviting home hosting a high tea!!

Today I have a local high tea in Berwick, a 50th birthday party. Instead of wine tasting we will have a tea tasting from the lovely TWG selection of teas. A Singapore based boutique tea shop with over 1000 different blends from all over the globe.  I have selected some of my favourites for the Petite Pippin menu, however I must say the most popular is the New York Breakfast from the Haute Couture range.  A beautiful black tea with a rich malty sweetness